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Group I | Week 1


Journalism trainees got their first real taste of reporting on Friday when they hit the field to interview sources and chase stories.

The morning outside capped a fast-paced week of classroom theory and hands-on lessons covering the basics of journalism. Topics discussed included:

  • News value
  • News angles
  • Journalism ethics
  • Digital security
  • Interviewing

Photos: Sanh Bunhoeun



Day 3: Trainees begin learning the ins and outs of interviewing. Tip #1: Start with the easy questions.

First day of school


Newsroom Cambodia started Monday, September 2, 2019. Newsroom Cambodia is a hands-on training program to learn and practice journalism on a daily basis, with the goal of participating in professional daily news production at VOD by the end of the course.



After a little bit of playing around, Newsroom Cambodia has a logo and the beginnings of an identity. Step by step.

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