Home Authors Posts by សុក លីហេង (Lyheng Sok)

សុក លីហេង (Lyheng Sok)

Lyheng Sok (សុក លីហេង) is originally from Kampong Speu Province, now living in Uttompor Pagoda. I am also a junior student at Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia majoring in International Relations. I also spent a year with Young Leadership Ambassadors and I have been a PUC Toastmasters Member and a candidate to compete in Bangkok, Thailand. Peacefully, I love natural views, going into the forest, and especially climbing up to the mountains to see how happy and joyful I am. Furthermore, I like reading about politics, history,and national and international news so that being as a journalist with Newsroom Cambodia will enhance my capabilities in terms of personal and professional skills to write fact news to my people knowing what they are hidden. It is my privileged and honoured to learn from Newsroom Cambodia.